The sweaty version of me

The sweaty version of me
let's face it... exercise isn't pretty, especially when the bouncing stops after you do.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The power of a smile

It's day eight today.  Two more days of workout 1 and I get to advance to workout 2 of 3.  I've decided to divide the workouts into ten day increments, so that I spend the same amount of time in each.  Of course, that also means that I only have to count to 10 before starting over at 1.  That keeps it simple.  Trust me... counting gets tougher as we get sweatier.

I decided that today I would study the back row girls in the video and see what they had to offer me as encouragement.  Wouldn't you know, they both smiled through the WHOLE workout.  This wasn't just your average smile... this smile said "I am so content and relaxed!  This is so great!  Working out makes me happy!"  So, I tried it too.  Wouldn't you know... I couldn't keep up the appearance.  My smile only lasted about twenty seconds, and that was because I was thinking about the wedgie creeping up my butt and the possibility that those smiley girls in the video had major wedgies too.  That made me happy, but only for about 20 seconds.

In case you are wondering, tomorrow I am going on a field trip with my son.  We will be hiking 280 stairs to the top of Mt. Baldy.  If we don't get rained out, and actually have to climb those stairs, I want you to know that I am NOT, NO WAY NO HOW, doing this exercise video.  It ain't gonna happen.  If we get rained out (distinctly possible given the forecast), I will be back with Jillian and her smiley girls.

I don't know which is worse... should I pray for rain or sun?


  1. U-huh! I guess any excuse will do!

  2. Do you hear te crackkk of the whip yet?

  3. So, no post about a workout today, I'm figuring the hike went as planned! Nice job hiking Baldy! My mom said she sees people going up and down more than once, even I think that's crazy, and I like to workout!

  4. Hi Erinn! I am sure Mt. Baldy is a mole hill compared to the mountains around you. It's nice to see you here. Thanks. I could use a little "erinn encouragement". :)

    MUOC - Look, mean and ugly man! You need to play nice or I will have to block you. I can do that. I have the power. :)

  5. I am what I am. I am who I am. First I was invited, now you threaten to uninvite. Fickle, fickle, fickle!
