The sweaty version of me

The sweaty version of me
let's face it... exercise isn't pretty, especially when the bouncing stops after you do.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 4... a good day

I have to say that today was a good day with Jillian Michaels and her 30 day Shred.  Don't get me wrong.  She kept true to her word.  She didn't hold back any punches and literally kicked me in the butt (ok, well, I kicked me in the butt but Jillian made me do it).  I still prayed that God would make it stop with every jiggle of my belly fat, but TODAY I had some comic relief.

My husband macho'ed up and decided to "support" my efforts by joining me.  He started out really strong and made it all the way through the one minute of jumping jacks with hardly a groan.  By the time we got through jumping rope and stomach crunches he was asking if it was over yet.  It reminded me of a long car trip with the kids:  "Are we there yet?  When are we going to be there?  I have to pee!  Caleb is touching me!"  Blah blah blah.  Yada, yada, yada.

When we made it to the half way mark, the censors started beeping.  Without quoting him directly (I want to keep this blog family friendly) my studly husband was looking like he might be in need of a good cry.  He suspiciously stationed himself on the floor, behind the couch, out of the view of both the T.V. and me to do his ab exercises.  I kinda felt like a paramedic.  "Stay with me, Tim!  Don't go into the light!"

By the end of the exercise, from his seemingly permanent prostrate position on the floor, the brain muscles were kicking into gear for my dear hubby.  "The problem", he said "is that this video is made for a woman and it doesn't fit a man's physique and muscular structure.  If this had been a manly exercise DVD, I'd have done much better."

All I have to say is... Today, I won.  Cha ching.  It's a good day.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. All I have to say is... bite me baby!

  3. okay you two...keep those comments for bedroom!-- jeez!

    anyway, Marla, maybe I'll do Jillian's 30 day shred with you... but at my own house of course! I really need SOMETHING to get me into gear --maybe the accountability of doing this with you will help me. I'll let you know soon, even though I'd be behind your shreddin' butt. :)

  4. What happened to Days 2 and 3? Are you cheating already??!!

  5. These are hilarious! You should really write a book Marlala! I'm right there with you and have started training for that stupid half-marathon. But if it is any encouragement...after a month of running, I can finally see my toes past my gut if I part the red sea of cleavage first. It is a start at least...

    Thanks for stopping by good to see you guys!
